Three ways to quit the state of ‘I’m not ready’

How to break out of perfectionist paralysis, stop procrastinating and simply begin.

First up, a confession. I’m an archetypal perfectionism prone Virgo. I get how hard it can be to launch your wildly ambitious plan before ‘everything’ is in place even though ‘everything’ is never in place, nor is it perfect. How would it feel to accept ‘thrive’ as your default setting Trust me. You weren’t put here to live anything less than an epic life. AND everything you need to succeed is within you. 

Your job (and mine) is to create the perfect conditions for attracting abundance and normalising awe-inspiring success. And here’s the thing, the secret to creating perfect conditions? Stop messing about, back yourself and step forward. Trust that you’re always exactly where you need to be. So, the conditions are always right for activating any audacious plan. 

Life and coaching have taught me some superb strategies for changing a perfectionist mindset. and catapulting out of the state of procrastination.

‘Fidget and fiddle about ‘getting ready,’ and you’re missing the giddy heart-stopping joy of sailing or smashing through your (self-imposed) roadblocks.’

— Nicola Wilkes

Relish the road tests

How dull would life be if every path was smooth and straight? No blind corners to negotiate, no breath zapping hills to conquer. Fidget and fiddle about ‘getting ready,’ and you’re missing the giddy heart-stopping joy of sailing or smashing through your (self-imposed) roadblocks. So why not breathe, and begin. Road test your maddest marvellous idea, make mistakes and learn from them. Swap paralysing perfectionism for #doneisbetterthanperfect.  

‘Next week’ is perfect

Brilliant brand strategist Bekki Stovell and I talked ‘forever’ about running joint workshops. 

The catapult moment came when I said, ‘let’s just do one next week.’  And we did. The marketing was a tad messy. The flyers weren’t perfectly proofread. But the session was a sold-out sensation. Need I say more?

Over to you

Love what you've read here? It's a sliver of ‘how to get unstuck’ advice in Episode 4 of 'The Empowered Businesswoman' Podcast.  Listen up 

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