Three steps towards making success second nature

Step out of your own way, own all of your story, note every wow-worthy win. How about we stop seeing success for women as exclusive and elusive? Seriously Stylish Business coaching exists to make success second nature for creative businesswomen. So, let’s get to it. 

  1. Reframe how you see success

Start by accepting that success is for you. 

I know this might sound crazy. You may well be thinking, ‘of course, I want success...who doesn’t?’ But the irony is so many of us actually don’t realise that success is meant for ALL of us. Mad as it may be, what actually happens is we become conditioned to thinking that it happens to other people but not to us. We may also fall into the trap of believing we aren’t worthy of it (for SO many reasons that I just don’t have enough word count to list them all). But here’s the truth: you absolutely deserve it, and what’s more, everything you need to be sublimely successful is within you! As they say ‘success is an inside job’. It’s what we believe about success that starts creating it in our own lives. 

Now breathe this in. Close your eyes. Imagine all that you dream of is happening already. It is already done. When it comes to success, our failure is not that we ask for too much but for too little.

  1. Don’t try to shorten the curve. 

‘Life is always happening for you, not to you.’

This is a phrase that I should have tattooed on me. My clients hear it on every group call, in many private coaching sessions and my children certainly hear it daily from me. In fact, I think they quote it back to me in reverse. 

The reason I want you to pay attention to this saying is that this truly is one success re-frame that has been THE MOST game-changing of my life. When you trust that conditions are always working in your favour you will always be backing yourself to become the best version of you. 

Take out your journal. Write a brief summary encompassing every chapter of your amazing, resilient life, including the journey through things that totally sucked. Own it! Don’t skip over these bits because, in fact, they are THE most important ingredient to success. Because I want you to think what you would have missed if you’d to skipped over awkward bits in any absorbing story; mysterious plots unfolding, love and lessons from heart-stopping humans. Are you following? The story wouldn’t be the same. In fact, it would be boring, with no plot twists, with no expansion, no learning. 

THIS is where the great lessons are. Success is not about having big fat pay cheques and living a smooth life. Success is the bit where we encounter our own stories and we learn to love them, warts and all!    

  1. Celebrate every win

I keep a stock of small bottles of icy champagne for toasting bubble worthy wins. And believe me, once you start looking, they’re everywhere.

I don’t know about you, but every single day there’s not just one but several things I ‘win’ at during the day. Then there are the huge wins that you should about from the rooftops.

But in amongst the insignificant wins that pass you buy and the wins so big they require fireworks, a new posh frock or a candlelit dinner for two in your favourite eaterie, there are also the wins that happen frequently that slip through the net. 

You know the ones I mean? Let’s be honest with each other...I’m talking about the wins that we know we should acknowledge out loud but really? Will friends, family or colleagues think you’re bragging or getting too excited over nothing?

WHO CARES? Catch tiny triumphs before they slip quietly by. Rocked a new look? Felt good in your skin? Had a great call with a client? Had your biggest sale to date? Signed a new contract or just completed something that you previously felt nervous about but went bold, and did it anyway? Smile and say, ‘I nailed that!’

‘Gritty every day wins merit more than ‘relief and release’.’

Got through a tough week? Had that hair-raising conversation?  Give them a grin before letting them go. through and you’re still in the game. 

Over to you

Love what you’ve read here? It’s a sliver of what I’ve shared in ‘The Empowered Businesswoman’ Podcast.  Listen up here. 

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